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Practicing black magic is simple but expensive and it needs someone with experience to guide you. The upside to witchcraft's recent popularity is that it's becoming more accessible and more people understand that witchcraft isn't synonymous with evil. It's also allowed powerful witches to make money from their craft, which demonstrates the power of magick on its own. Some online shops are worthy of your money if you have some extra to spend. Witch Baby Soap, for example, sells lovely, vegan, cruelty-free beauty products infused with spells.

However, it seems like everyone is cashing in on the witchcraft trend these days. Do you need to drop Essential Crystals Medicine Bag" in order to engage in crystal healing? Nope. Sure, tools such as crystals, tarot cards, and incense can be handy in rituals and help sharpen your practice. But all you really need is yourself. You are the witch, you practice the magick, and you are more powerful than any crystal money can buy.

You are more powerful than any crystal money can buy.

Before you blow your paycheck on overpriced accessories, simply begin sharpening your practice by adding daily meditation and knowledge to your life. The more you immerse yourself in witchcraft, the more you'll notice that witchy tools are all around you: in your spice rack, your closet (hello, broomstick), and growing outside. Witches of all economic backgrounds have been practicing for centuries using the tools they have at hand.

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