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Reversal of Black Magic | Oregon | Pennsylvania | North Carolina | North Dakota | Miami | Guyana | Florida | Toronto | London | Manchester | Liverpool | Monaco | Oman | Doha | Dubai | Trinidad | Kuwait | Bahrain | New York City | Texas | Mississippi | Ontario | Amsterdam | Paris | Boston | California | Houston | Phoenix | San Jose | Austin 

Reversal of black magic to the sender is 100% possible Doctor Venom can help you with that however, if someone has been targeted with a spell and they believe the spell has power then they may nonconscious cause the spell to work against themselves. Illuminati Occult | Death Magic Spells | Satanic Death Spells | Black Magic Solution 

black magic is inherently self-reversing because any harm a person does to anyone always harms the person who initiated the harm.

to avoid any harmful effects you will be taught how to ignore them.

however, if something bad happens, it is possible to mistakenly attribute it to the spell, especially if the person harmed prefers to believe in black magic.

in such a case they want to be harmed by the spell because they may believe such harm is an affirmation that black magic is real.

some magic is real, including some black magic, but the effects of most magic either fall into the realm of day-to-day natural existence and can be indistinguishable from natural events, or the effects may go against what people believe to be possible, in which case people will rationalize a magical experience to make it seem non-magical rather than choose to believe in magic.

we’ve witnessed many people change their minds that way rather than believe in magic or miracles.

we prefer vulnerability for ourselves, we like the affirmations; also, you can’t be a magical person without accepting magical vulnerabilities.

in any case, the dark stuff just bounces off us and off of most other people too, unless it speaks to some inner need to experience it, in which case the dark stuff may really be a blessing in disguise.

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